Sunday, March 30, 2008

Standing in Front of the Row Of Suits

Yesterday I stood up in front of the row of women in suits to defend my "integrity," like going in to an interrogation room and have the spot light on you. Everyone watching your every move, can hear your heart race, the sweat drip down your face. An intimidating process, to say the least. Will all of that Still being able to come out of the dark room with your head high and deep breathes of the cool outside air felt amazing.

Always have in you:
  • Justice
  • Wisdom
  • Faith
  • Truth
  • Honor

With these values you can always walk out look straight into the new future and not down at the ground with regret.

These are the values that in the past month I have very much so embedded them into my soul.

I hope everyone can think about these 5 words and find great and deep meaning in them for your self....

~just another day with my head held high~

Friday, March 28, 2008

Rules on Being a Customer...

There should be rules on being a customer, upon entering into a restaurant.
  • Don't scream at the person making your food
  • Don't talk about the person who made your food to the employee standing next to the origina
  • Don't be rude and bitter and nasty
Or else you may have your food thrown at you (wanted to in my mind).

Ever see Waiting? We all think of it once in a while to those nasty customers.

Today was long and exhausting while already being sick.

tomorrow will be interesting....meeting with the big board...see how we can handle a lovely meeting.

Finish moving out of my apartment, and take an exam online.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

My Life for the next 24 hours

woke up sick and late for class:
For the next 24hrs this is my only thing I can concentrate on:

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Just Another day....

Today has been long, filled with exams and times I should be studying. 7:30 a.m. -> 10:00 p.m.

The usual occurs, the head nod of falling asleep to a lecture, every so often.

Then my interesting class of Terrorism, one that must be taken with an open mind. There are well over 10 definitions of terrorism. When you broaden the term, and have it be unjust violent acts against civilians/ government, one just has to sit back and take all the examples in. There are so many occasions that the average person may not think is a terrorist act, but in reality is indeed.

Education makes one open their eyes, this is the way to growing and learning about the big world out there. Whether we are directly connected or will never be in close contact with the situation. I feel sorry for the average person who keeps a closed mind on such issues, it is sad.

For me being a person of life (ecology major), at points the topics, pictures, video clips become sickening. I read an article from an Anthropologist whom was Native American, she spoke for the American Indian side of two brutal occasions. I read the article for a paper I had to write, while sitting in starbucks, drinking my latte, in my "safe" environment. I became sick of what I read and imagined what these people had to deal with becuase it was us (United States), murdering them.

For now I will go for I have one last, but long class to go. I will post the link to the article.

~Breathe & Relax....

Haynes, Jeanette. “Terrorism in Native America: Interrogating the Past, Examining the Present, and Constructing a Libratory Future”. Anthropology & Education Quarterly 33(3):317-330. 2002.