Monday, July 21, 2008

My Fantastical Day

So today in my great life went to my physical therapy appointment due to my car accident, pretty much just got a really good neck message....Then on my Journey out to school, in the middle of no where....So walked down to get Tim Hortin's coffee (which is way to hot and need an extra cup covering it), then waiting for the bus... Yes lovely Erie Public Transit System.

There are always such interesting people on the bus....To go out to school which is in the next town over it has to go all the way through the city downtown and then back up through the city to go out again. There was an interesting character whom decided to talk to the bus driver the entire time, rambling... Only Erie's "finest" ride on here it seems like. THEN the bus driver believes that I am someone I'm not and keeps trying to communicate with saying he remembers me. I take the bus like once a year....Asks me if I have children, UGH no!!! i'm sitting there just trying to read my book in peace for this HOUR LONG bus ride to school....

I make it to school and did not have to do much work in my another hour ride home (by the way by car it takes 15 mins) on the way home even more characters

A woman who used to come in to subway and annoy us all and be very needy for no specific reason. WOuld need something every few minutes. Well she struggles to get on because she has an electric basket wheel chair, mind you she has no problems walking. took her 5 minutes to get it on the bus then 4 more to try and tie it up. The driver had to wait, then every minute she got up and put her large a@# in my face while wearing a matching ugly green sweat fix her NOT MOVING chair....

I also believe that most people who ride the bus feel that showering is just an option....People it is not an option it is a MUST everyday not once every few weeks.

End and out for now.....

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