Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Veterans Day

Alright so this really has nothing to do with Veterans day, though, thank you all veterans of our past and our current service men and women!!!!

It has been about two- three months I think since I have moved to charleston, and it has turned into the great time as well as decision I have ever made in my life! Since I have moved here the weather has been great still November and has been in the 80s crazy!!! While home is cold. I have a great job with a forestry technology research facility, where I actually get to use my degree. Still can't get over it.

Since I moved into my parents house feb. my junior year of college I lost all motivation to work out like I used to (almost 6 days a weeks for 4 years) becuase of cross country/ track and then just always at the gym. Then I stopped all together and for me gained a significant amount of weight, I had a (jerk**f) bar manager who told me I have gained noticeable amount of weight (WHAT?!) not right in his position to ever say anything like that to. I used to never eat junk food or sweets and now I can't stop from buying them!

I am now determined to get into better shape than when I was a college athlete. Today I joined a gym and it is like the one i was in back home but the people are more outgoing and open. I think I will really enjoy this, so far ran 3.2 miles walked on incline 10mins. tomorrow i meet with my trainer who will work my butt off and I can't wait!

I also adopted a puppy, her name is Rain the Pain. She is a mix between hound, lab, and pit? we think. I got her from a woman at work who lives in farmland, her neighbors had several unwanted puppies and were going to give them to a kill bound :( nooo. I wanted a dog but a small one because I have a small apartment. I think she'll be big and thick. Right now she attacks everything! and is teething and a pain to house train...... have had her for lil' over a month.... some days are good others I wnant to cry. She eats everything, claws me, bites me. Nothing seems to help at all. I cannot wait until she has all of her shots, it'll be right off to puppy school for the both of us!!!!

Welll all for now the CMAs are on and getting tired!!!

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